The roof is known as one of the aspects of a house that is most vulnerable and expensive to repair. Homeowners in Alberta have some special concerns to attend to—namely ice, extreme changes in temperature and tree debris—that require care and attention for a long-lasting roof. Understanding what to look out for and how to respond if you see one of these problems can help you extend the life of your roof.


A leaky roof is a well-known problem and the fear of many homeowners! It’s essential to quickly determine the cause before more damage is done. Sometimes the fix is quick if you catch it right away. A common cause of leaks in Calgary roofs is deep snow on top of houses during the winter (and sometimes not winter) can led to roof leaks. Another common cause of roof leaks is the seal giving out on ventilation or plumbing that is extending out of your roof. If you catch it quickly, this can be an easy fix. Possibly the most common cause of a leaky roof is in the flashing. Flashing is special coverage made to prevent leaks in the most vulnerable parts of your roof. While some homeowners try to replace the flashing themselves, it is recommended that you seek professional services for higher-grade repairs.  West Quality Roofing and Exteriors department will inspect your roof to help you assess the source of the leak and advise your repairs. We are committed to helping you repair your roof before considering replacing your roof. We believe that if we do a great repair job, you will trust us to do the replacement if and when it comes time for that.

Water retention

If tree debris is not properly cleared, water can build up behind it, creating a problem known as “ponding.” If the water sits there for long, it will find a way into your home. Keeping the debris on your roof cleared is a simple and effective way to reduce the danger of ponding. Ponding in the winter becomes what is known as an “ice dam.” Ice dams can be caused by water that’s trapped behind debris and then frozen. But it can also be caused by a build-up of ice itself.

Storm damage

Even the best-made roofs can endure severe storm damage. It’s a good idea to inspect your roof after a major storm, to make sure no damage was done. If you don’t want to get on your roof yourself, or you’re not sure what to look for, request an inspection from West Quality Roofing & Exteriors to be sure it’s taken care of in a timely fashion.

Damage left untreated can become much worse in the long run. Water seeping in can cause rot or leave your roof vulnerable to further damage.

Curling tiles / Shingles

Depending on the quality you or a previous owner chose at installation, your shingles should last 15 to 35 years. As the shingles age, they become less rigid and stable. The granules that protect the shingles begin to wear off. All this leads to what is known as “curling.” The edges of the shingles lift up slightly, making them likely to catch in the wind and be pulled off your roof.

Gutters ripping away from the roof

If your neighbourhood has an abundance of trees this has it’s challenges. Maintaining a roof surrounded by trees is all the leaves, sticks, pine needles and cones, limbs that can clog your gutters. When debris builds up in the gutters and downspouts, it can weigh them down and dislocate them from the roof. Keeping your gutters cleared is essential to avoiding this problem. As debris builds up, it inevitably soaks up water as well. This can lead to two sub-problems. In warmer weather, the combination of decomposing leaves with fresh rainwater creates a great environment for seeds to take root. Growing plants in your gutters and downspouts is very damaging to these structures! Additionally, as water is trapped in the debris, it can turn into ice in cold weather. This expands in your gutters and creates another source of potential, long-term damage. All this to say that in all weather, keeping your gutters clear is essential! When your gutters are weighed down in this way, a space can develop between the roof and gutters, rendering the gutters ineffective in their purpose of keeping water flowing away from your foundation.